Cleanup cover image

Clean Up: Gamifying Eco-Friendly Habits for a Greener Future

Discover Clean Up, the innovative app by Damn Plastic that gamifies eco-friendly habits, empowering users to make a positive impact on the environment while earning rewards for their sustainable actions.

Country EUROPE
Working Since 2022
Team Size 5 Members
Core Tech Docker, Express, Gitlab CI, MongoDB, Nodejs, React, Redux, zeplin
Problem: Encouraging eco-friendly habits and providing rewards for environmentally conscious users.

Solution: The Clean Up app by Damn Plastic, offering a gamified, innovative approach to habit tracking for eco-friendly routines.

Services: App Concept & Design, Gamification Strategy, Reward System Development, Maintenance & Support

Tech Stack: React Native, Python, Firebase, Figma, Android (Kotlin, Java), iOS (Swift)

Key Successes: Increased user engagement in eco-friendly activities, seamless habit tracking, user rewards through Damn Coins and badges, and a "market" section for redeeming rewards on eco-impactful products.